November 15th 1998 / December 30th 2018

I want to THANK all of our customers who have supported Garden of Beaden with “your need to bead”! I have made so many wonderful friendships!! We intend on growing our website so we can continue our business, just on line. We will have special events at least every other month. Our first one being our 2019 Bead Challenge, Belle Armoier Jewelry/Women supporting women. We are only taking 20 entries and we have 8 at this time. If you would like more info on this please email me

At the end of this month we will be having a HEART workshop, location to be announced. We can accommodate 10 peeps. The cost is $45.00 this will include brunch and all materials.

So im gonna say this website is the best place to find out the whosie on the whatsie. Im gonna phase out the Garden of Beaden facebook. I do love Instagram you can keep up with what we got going on there as well. Irene Sanchez facebook is all things creative as will as a lil familia.

If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see FOR Sale on the website id love to hear from you.

Stay in touch, Ill do my best. The SALE portion of this website will not be up until the end of the month. Starting with Melanie Doerman, Chain and Tierracast. These are just a few of my favorite things

Posted on January 4, 2019 .

Free Gift With Purchase

Free back issues of Beadwork and Bead and Button magazines with your purchase at the GOB. Thank you Dara for your very generous donation!

Posted on September 5, 2018 .